2021 Regenerate Speakers
Weaving Water, Land, and PeopleSarah Baxendell

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Sarah is a member of the international community addressing imminent climate challenges through design. As director of finance at Regen Network, she is accelerating ecological state protocol design, creating a future that meets the needs of land stewards and sinks carbon into ecological systems. She is also co-founder, designer, and founding executive director of the urban learning laboratory Hilltop Urban Farm, the largest urban farm and first adult urban farm incubator in the United States, and the largest urban orchard and youth farm in the City of Pittsburgh. As Director of Green Space Projects, she spearheaded the public master plan redesign of 500+ acres of urban parks and 125+ acres of vacant land within the City of Pittsburgh.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28  | 10:00 – 11:30 AM MT  | $10
Are you a rancher? Are you interested in financial rewards for your ecologically positive land management? Learn about Regen Network’s new CarbonPlus Grasslands credits and how we use remote sensing to verify soil organic carbon changes… Walk away with a basic understanding of the potential for revenue, the credits registry, project pages, the steps to develop or enroll your existing project, and how ranchers like you can get started today!

Marianna Zavala

Shalini Karra

Zachary Angelini

Jim Kleinschmit

Twila Cassadore

Alex Pulwicki

Matthew Raiford

James O’Donnell

Amanda Lucier

Celine Kagan

Mary Berry

Jovan Sage

Elsie DuBray

Ailish Kress

Sanjay Rawal

Rosie Kissel

Camas Davis

Susan Beal

Kate Clyatt

Holly Zink

Ariel Aaronson-Eves

Eric Karbowski

Kelsey Ducheneaux

Cynthia Naha

Aubrey Streit Krug

Rebecca Thistlethwaite

Olivia Tincani

Ben Gotschall

Katie Belle Miller

Vandana Shiva

Joe Maxwell

Julie Sullivan

George Whitten

Eva Stricker

Sarah Baxendell

Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin

John Boyd

Rodrigo Sierra-Corona

Valerie Small

Gillian Sanbrook

Roberto Meza

Zach Ducheneaux

A-dae Romero-Briones

Darrell Oswald

Marshall Johnson

Chris Mehus

Bryan Van Stippen

Loren Poncia

LaKisha Odom