
Publications, podcasts, video, and newsletter archives







Quivira’s Annual Journal

Resilience, Issue 44 – Microbes, Markets, and Climate

Resilience, Issue 44 - Microbes, Markets, and Climate December 2023 “How do you create resilient lands, economies, and communities?” “How does what you wear represent what you stand for?” “How might different compost microbial communities affect soil health and...

Resilience, Issue 43- Weaving Water, Land, and People

Resilience, Issue 43 - Weaving Water, Land, and People January, 2023 We are so very excited to share this year’s issue of Resilience with you. It is a rare but special space we collectively create in the pages of this magazine. One where science, practice, emotion,...

Resilience, Issue 42- Reflections on Resilience in Uncertain Times

Resilience, Issue 42 - Reflections on Resilience in Uncertain Times   December, 2020 Welcome to the relaunch of Resilience. It’s been five years since our last issue appeared,in August of 2015, commemorating the life and work of our good friend and riparian...

Resilience, Issue 41- It Works! A celebration of Bill Zeedyk’s 80th Year

Resilience, Issue 41- It Works! A celebration of Bill Zeedyk's 80th Year August 2015 It is our great pleasure to bring you this 41st edition of Resilience. Not only is it a small token of our appreciation for the many ways that Bill Zeedyk has enriched our lives and...

Resilience, Issue 40 – Beyond Resilience

Resilience, Issue 40 - Beyond Resilience September 2014 In 2007, the Board of the Quivira Coalition added the words “build resilience” to our mission statement. Resilience means “to bounce back” or “recover quickly” from a shock or surprise. In ecology, it refers to...

Resilience, Issue 39 – 2% Solutions for Hunger Thirst and CO2

Resilience, Issue 39 - 2% Solutions for Hunger Thirst and CO2 September 2013 These 2% Solution profiles are part of Quivira’s Carbon Ranch Project, whose goal is to share land management strategies that sequester CO2 in soils and plants, reduce greenhouse gas...

Resilience, Issue 38 – A Place Worth Calling Home

Resilience, Issue 38 - A Place Worth Calling Home October 2012 Sustainability. Adaptation. Mitigation. Local. Grassfed.These words, so much in the news today across the globe, barely registered on people’s radar screens fteen years ago. For example, when we founded...

Resilience, Issue 37 – Lessons Learned

Resilience, Issue 37 - Lessons Learned January 2012 This issue includes - Reflections from a “Do” Tank: Quivira and Conservation in the WestRestoring Land Health to Small Properties: Lessons from Quivira’s Red Canyon Reserve                                            ...

Resilience, Issue 36 – A Carbon Ranch

Resilience, Issue 36 - A Carbon Ranch December 2010 For this inaugural issue of Resilience, we are introducing a new idea: The Carbon Ranch. Its purpose is to mitigate climate change by sequestering additional carbon dioxide in plants and soils, reducing greenhouse...

Resilience, Issue 35 – The Back Forty

Resilience, Issue 35 - The Back Forty February 2010 “The only progress that matters is on the actual landscape of the back forty.” – Aldo LeopoldThe news from the Back Forty is very encouraging. In many places that I have visited, people are solving on-the-ground...

Down to Earth

A Planet to Plate Podcast

Episode 171 – Empowering Women in Agriculture

Empowering Women in Agriculture Women have been invisible in agriculture for too long: not counted in the census, not taken seriously for their work and management achievements, excluded from access to capital and credit––and even farm equipment is not made for their...

Episode 170 – The Wild Adventures of a New Mexico Hemp Farmer

The Wild Adventures of a New Mexico Hemp Farmer Doug Fine was an international journalist before he moved to New Mexico to start a polyculture farm and embrace a rural way of life. He’s the author of six books, including four on hemp and cannabis, and his film...

Episode 169 – Sarah Wentzel-Fisher on Working Lands, Community, Science, and more

Sarah Wentzel-Fisher on working lands, community, science, and more Sarah Wentzel-Fisher is executive director of Quivira Coalition. A native of South Dakota, she came to her work in agriculture and leadership via a circuitous path that included the creative arts,...

Episode 168 – Pueblo Values + Engineering Expertise = Resilient Landscapes

Pueblo Values + Engineering Expertise = Resilient Landscapes Phoebe Suina grew up on Cochiti and San Felipe Pueblos in New Mexico, where she learned about land, water, cultural values and practices from her extended family and community. With advanced degrees in...

Episode 167 – Documentary Digs Deep into Grazing Science — and Society

Documentary digs deep into grazing science — and society A decade ago, documentary filmmaker and musician Peter Byck brought together a diverse group of scientists who were studying agriculture from a whole-system perspective — something that was, and still is,...

Episode 166 – Saving Seeds, Saving Ecosystems

Saving Seeds, Saving Ecosystems Seed Savers Exchange is a small non-profit that's making a big difference. For a half century, they've been saving seeds, getting them out into gardens, telling their stories — and cultivating biodiversity that has been diminished with...

Episode 165 – Investing in Regenerative Ag

Investing in Regenerative Ag Dirt Capital Partners takes a "slow money" perspective on investing, helping farmers get land access and regenerate not only the soil but also their communities. Amanda Zakharov is director of investments and Martín Lemos is director of...

Episode 164 – From Suburban Chicago to Rural Montana: the Journey of a Bison Rancher

From Suburban Chicago to Rural Montana: the Journey of a Bison Rancher Matt Skoglund was an attorney with a conservation non-profit, but over time was drawn to work on the land. With no prior agrarian experience he started a successful bison ranch using regenerative...

Episode 163 – A Matter of Conscience: Will Harris on Regenerating an Industrial Ranch

A Matter of Conscience: Will Harris on Regenerating an Industrial Ranch In his new book, Will Harris describes the moment when he saw that his industrial ranch was cruel to animals and bad for the land. Before he'd ever heard the phrase "regenerative grazing" he...

Episode 162 – The Robber Barons of Today’s Food Industries

The Robber Barons of Today's Food Industries Iowan Austin Frerick saw his home state transform from a world of farms to one of toxic factory food and hollowed out rural communities. Yet he offers optimism and real solutions.  Austin Frerick grew up in Iowa, which in...

Technical Guides

For healthy working lands

A Peek at Indigenous Agroforestry in the Southwest y en español

A Peek at Indigenous Agroforestry in the Southwest K. Alicia Thompson with support from Quivira Coalition, Trees, Water & People and the Southwest Agroforestry Action Network. This is a synthesis of Indigenous-led agroforestry, and agroforestry more generally,...

Biochar in the Southwest y Biocarbón en el Suroeste

Biochar in the Southwest Using New Mexico Practices and Regulations as a Model   CJ Ames and Eva Stricker, PhD, Quivira CoalitionKelpie Wilson, Wilson Biochar Associates This workbook offers practices on New Mexico lands as a model for making and using biochar in...

Blue Hole Cienega: A Curriculum for Desert Wetlands and the Unique Plants that Live There

Blue Hole Cienega: A Curriculum for Desert Wetlands and the Unique Plants that Live There   This ecological curriculum for grades 6-8 uses place-based learning and activities to explore concepts in ecology, botany, and social dynamics of Blue Hole Cienega in...

Rural Dryland Composting y en Espanol

Rural Dryland Composting Aerated Static Piles and Worm Composting   By Juliana Ciano and Trevor Ortiz, Reunity ResourcesEva Stricker and Linden Schneider, Quivira Coalition    Our goal is to help rural communities efficiently use waste products to improve...

Soil Health Workbook y en espanol Salud de la Tierra Libro de Trabajo

Soil Health Workbook Fundamentals, Principles, and Management, For Producers and Technical Service Providers in the Dryland Intermountain West   Developed by Eva Stricker, PhD, and Linden Schneider, MS Based on presentations by New Mexico Cooperative Extension...

Applying Keyline Design Principles to Slope Wetland Restoration in a Headwater Ecosystem

Applying Keyline Design Principles to Slope Wetland Restoration in a Headwater Ecosystem NMED-SWQB By Walton, M., J. W. Jansens, J. Adams, M. Tatro, and T. E. Gadzia. An interest in developing, testing, and documenting innovative approaches to slope wetland...

A Good Road Lies Easy on the Land

A Good Road Lies Easy on the Land... Water harvesting from Low-Standard Rural Roads   A Joint Publication of The Quivira Coalition, Zeedyk Ecological Consulting, LLC “A road lies easily on the land if it is located on a landform where it can be readily and...

CO NRCS Range Technical Note

Hand-Built Structures for Restoring Degraded Meadows in Sagebrush Rangelands: Examples and lessons learned from the Upper Gunnison River Basin, Colorado USDA, State of Colorado, NRCS - Range Technical Note No. 40 May 2018 By Jeremy Maestas, Shawn Connor, Bill Zeedyk,...

Erosion Control Field Guide y en Español

Erosion Control Field Guide By Craig Sponholtz and Avery C. Anderson Sponholtz This field guide is intended to inform those who depend on the soil and its life-giving properties. This guide discusses ways to regenerate soil so that it holds more water, supports more...

Plug and Pond

The Plug and Pond Treatment: Restoring Sheetflow to High Elevation Slope Wetlands in New Mexico By Bill Zeedyk, Steve Vrooman, New Mexico Environment Department, and Surface Water Quality Bureau Wetlands Program This field guide is intended to inform those who depend...

Conference Videos

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In the Field Newsletter Archive

New Agrarian Program News Archive