2021 Regenerate Speakers
Weaving Water, Land, and PeopleJames O’Donnell

James is the Program Manager of the Grassfed Alliance. He has utilized education and messaging to work towards a better food system in a variety of roles. He previously worked for the fair trade, worker-owned cooperative Equal Exchange, where he crafted consumer facing messaging that authentically conveyed the principles of equitable trade. He also wrote food studies curricula for the Stone Barns Center, worked in logistics for a New York seafood cooperative, and worked in a variety of restaurants across New England. James is also the co-owner of Allora Farm & Flowers, a specialty flower farm and wild foods business based in the Hudson Valley. In this role, he forages wild foods for both New York restaurants and home cooks.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13   |  2:00 – 4:00PM MT
This workshop will offer strategies to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in collaborative conservation as a way to build resilience on public lands with multiple stakeholders. Topics will include opportunities for collaboration through the new USFS Shared Stewardship Strategy, practical information on working with diverse partners, and strategies to work toward collaboration for drought and fire mitigation across shared watersheds and landscapes.

Marianna Zavala

Shalini Karra

Zachary Angelini

Jim Kleinschmit

Twila Cassadore

Alex Pulwicki

Matthew Raiford

James O’Donnell

Amanda Lucier

Celine Kagan

Mary Berry

Jovan Sage

Elsie DuBray

Ailish Kress

Sanjay Rawal

Rosie Kissel

Camas Davis

Susan Beal

Kate Clyatt

Holly Zink

Ariel Aaronson-Eves

Eric Karbowski

Kelsey Ducheneaux

Cynthia Naha

Aubrey Streit Krug

Rebecca Thistlethwaite

Olivia Tincani

Ben Gotschall

Katie Belle Miller

Vandana Shiva

Joe Maxwell

Julie Sullivan

George Whitten

Eva Stricker

Sarah Baxendell

Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin

John Boyd

Rodrigo Sierra-Corona

Valerie Small

Gillian Sanbrook

Roberto Meza

Zach Ducheneaux

A-dae Romero-Briones

Darrell Oswald

Marshall Johnson

Chris Mehus

Bryan Van Stippen

Loren Poncia

LaKisha Odom