The Quivira Coalition consists of a small staff, a dedicated board, dozens of volunteers, numerous family ranchers and farmers, conservationists, scientists and public land managers, hundreds of members, and thousands of others touched by our work. What we all have in common is a dedication to building economic and ecological resilience on western working landscapes.

Amy Larsen
Carbon Ranch Initiative Planner/Manager

Anica Wong
Communications Director

Carrie Armbrecht
Operations Director

Elicia Whittlesey
Education and Outreach Director

Emily Hotovec
Operations Coordinator

Eva Stricker
Carbon Ranch Initiative Program Evaluator

Hayden Vandeberg
New Agrarian Program Northern Plains Manager

Holly Napier
New Agrarian Program Southwest Manager

Julie Sullivan
New Agrarian Program Mentor Support and Training

Kristina Britt
Communications Manager

Kyler Grandkoski
Grants Manager

Leah Ricci
Interim Executive Director

Luka Samson
New Agrarian Program Northern Plains Manager

Lynne Whitbeck
Communications Manager

María Leonor Rodríguez
Education and Outreach Manager

Mattie Griswold
New Agrarian Program Northern Plains Manager

Nameh Marsin
Operations Manager

Nina Katz
Education and Outreach Project Manager

Nina Listro
Carbon Ranch Initiative Director

Rebecca Baldwin-Kordick
Carbon Ranch Initiative Project Manager

Shumaisa Khan
Carbon Ranch Initiative Project Manager

Sarah Wentzel-Fisher
Outgoing Director

Taylor Muglia
New Agrarian Program Colorado Manager