Sisto Hernandez
Board Member
Sisto Hernandez is a member of the White Mountain Apache Tribe in Arizona. He comes from a ranching heritage on both sides of his family. His maternal grandfather & great-grandfather were both cattle owners on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona. His paternal grandparents also operated a ranch in northern Chihuahua Mexico. Sisto also serves as the Vice President of the Grasshopper Livestock Association. The Grasshopper Livestock Association is a Tribal grazing collective comprised of 14 members.Sisto was the Rangeland Management Specialist for the White Mountain Apache Tribe for 16 years. In that time he represented his Tribe and served as president of the Mexican Wolf/Livestock Council for Arizona & New Mexico. In that role he was instrumental in promoting tolerance and the implementation of proactive coexistence practices.Currently Sisto is a District Coordinator for Indian Nations Conservation Alliance (INCA). INCA helps Tribal agricultural producers to access USDA programs & assistance, implement conservation practices, and access new & innovative agricultural technologies.Sisto is a strong advocate of ranching, agriculture, natural resources & wildlife conservation, coexistence, and Tribal sovereignty.