by Lynne Whitbeck | Aug 6, 2019 | 2019 Conference Speakers
Scott grew up in a farming community in the Midwest. Went west in ’76 and spent 25 years as a working cowboy and guide. Returned to college in 2000. BA-FortLewis College. MS-Cornell University where he also taught Natural Resource Management and American Indian Studies.
by Lynne Whitbeck | Jul 30, 2019 | Down to Earth, Policy, Radical Center
A long-time Quivira Coalition leader and proponent of regenerative agriculture, Kate Greenberg is now the Commissioner of Agriculture for the state of Colorado. We talk about what it means to take a regenerative and “Radical Center” approach from her position in government.
by Lynne Whitbeck | Jul 25, 2019 | 2019 Conference Speakers
Glenn Elzinga, with his wife and business partner Caryl started Alderspring Ranch near Salmon, Idaho, in 1992. Now, the ranch has grown to a 7 figure direct marketing enterprise on 1700 acres deeded with a 46,000 acre wild rangeland permit, all certified organic.
by Lynne Whitbeck | Jul 25, 2019 | 2019 Conference Speakers
For 40 years, Fred’s team did research that laid the foundation for behavior-based management of landscapes. Those efforts led to the formation in 2001 of an international network of scientists and land managers from five continents.
by Lynne Whitbeck | Jul 25, 2019 | 2019 Conference Speakers
As senior soil ecologist, Dr. Chelsea Carey works with TomKat Ranch and Point Blue’s Rangeland Monitoring Network to understand how management influences the ecology of California’s rangeland soils.