Glenn Elzinga

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In 1992, Glenn Elzinga and his wife and business partner Caryl started Alderspring Ranch near Salmon, Idaho. The ranch has grown to a seven-figure, direct marketing enterprise on 1,700 deeded acres with a 46,000-acre wild rangeland permit, all certified organic. Glenn and Carly market their 300-400 head annual production through several grocers and an internet storefront at In 2014, the Elzingas initiated a 5-year pilot project that employs full-time horseback herders on extensive wild rangeland with the goal to meet ecological and economic objectives while finishing beef. By using the tools of horsemanship and stockmanship, they have eliminated conflicts with predators, regenerated riparian systems, and proactively managed uplands, while producing excellent, nutrient-dense wild food.
Plenary Panel
Relationship between nutrition and behavior in livestock on range