Grant & Dawn Breitkreutz

Grant and Dawn Breitkreutz run Stoney Creek Farm, near Redwood Falls, Minnesota. Over the past 20 years, they have converted a conventional crop and cow/calf operation into a multi-enterprise regenerative family business. Their 100 percent no-till cropping system has evolved from a corn and soybean rotation to a three or more crop rotation, with the incorporation of cover crops whenever possible. Cattle are grazed across nearly every acre of the farm every year. Grant and Dawn use adaptive grazing throughout their pasture systems and now graze much longer, with many more head than ever before. Their daughter and son-in-law, Karlie and Cody, have added a direct marketing enterprise to the business, featuring the farm’s beef and pork. The family’s goal is to heal the land as a way to pass on a beautiful legacy into the future.
Plenary Panel
Soil, Land, and Human Health connection; Building Soil Health and a Robust Regional Food System