by Lynne Whitbeck | Dec 14, 2017 | Down to Earth, Health and Nutrition
Eat Mesquite? Yes. Really.Brad Lancaster is co-founder of Desert Harvesters, in Tucson, Arizona. He’s author of Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond. His new book, produced with Desert Harvesters, is Eat Mesquite and More: A Cookbook for Sonoran Desert Foods...
by Lynne Whitbeck | Nov 28, 2017 | Down to Earth, Farming, Soil, Water
Patron saints of regenerative agriculture: Gabe and Paul BrownGabe Brown and his family endured hail, drought, and near ruin before they changed their way of farming and ranching. Theirs is a story of creative response to adversity that led to a much healthier and...
by Lynne Whitbeck | Nov 14, 2017 | Down to Earth, Farming, Policy, Soil, Working with Nature
Wes Jackson on the problem of agriculture and the perennial solutionWes Jackson is a visionary. Plant geneticist, founder of the Land Institute, he has a deep understanding of ecological communities — how the many species of life interact with one another on the land...
by Lynne Whitbeck | Nov 1, 2017 | Down to Earth, Water
The Water Win-Win: Food and ecosystems in balanceSandra Postel‘s new book is Replenish: The Virtuous Cycle of Water and Prosperity. It’s about the world water cycle, and about real solutions to the problem of providing water for people and food, and at the same time...
by Lynne Whitbeck | Oct 17, 2017 | Down to Earth, Grazing, Ranching, Rural Communities
The deck is stacked against family farmers. Here’s one rancher’s powerful response.Mike Callicrate is a rancher who started out in industrial feedlot cattle production, but converted to principles of animal husbandry and regenerative agriculture when he saw how...
by Lynne Whitbeck | Oct 5, 2017 | Butchery, Down to Earth, Health and Nutrition, Radical Center, Ranching, Working with Nature
The Butchers meet the Buddha: Conscious meat production todayAdam Danforth left behind a career in advertising and marketing in order to do something more grounded and meaningful with his life. He became a butcher, one of a new breed of artisanal butchers who are...