Planned giving
Become a Resiliency Partner by making a bequest, donating stock, making a gift of personal property, or giving through life insurance. Contact our giving teamWhen you remember the Quivira Coalition in your estate plan, you become a Resiliency Partner, creating a legacy in the radical center by joining other like-minded supporters to help safeguard Quivira’s work into the future.
A legacy gift made through your will or revocable trust, or by naming Quivira as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance, may be the most impactful donation you’ve ever given! Gifts to charitable organizations are excluded from estate tax.

Quivira is my go-to source for innovative thinking about land use, rural communities, regenerative agriculture and succession planning. Over many years, ideas from Quivira workshops and conferences, and conversations with other Quivira members, have provided invaluable support and inspiration for me and my family in the management and long-term planning of our ranch.
A planned gift doesn't need to come from a large estate.
Here are some other options.“. . . our dependence on the earth’s generosity is not a day-to-day job for most of us, but we depend on the health of the land for our survival and count on those who steward the landscape. Quivira is helping to ensure the health and future of pastoral life and the human community that cares for the land. We depend on them to sustain those who sustain our working lands.”
Quivira is committed to restoring and preserving land health and agrarian ways of life far into the future! Contributing to this work will become a part of your legacy. Please consult your tax advisor today for more information on the benefits to you of bequests and other forms of planned giving, included those we list here. Gifts to charitable organizations are excluded from estate tax.

Make a bequest
Leaving a bequest to the Quivira Coalition in your will or in a revocable trust is a simple way to become a Resiliency Partner and preserve your lifetime of dedication to healthy land and vibrant communities. With a statement like the following you may specify a set amount or a percentage of your estate: I bequeath [dollar amount or % of the remainder of your estate or trust] to the Quivira Coalition, a non-profit corporation located at 1413 Second Street Suite 1, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505. Tax ID# 31-1551770. (Please consult your tax advisor, attorney, or other professional advisor for bequest language tailored to your situation and objectives.)
Designate Quivira as a beneficiary of your retirement plan
Name the Quivira Coalition as a partial or sole beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plan, using the beneficiary designation form provided by your financial institution.
The designated percentage of the balance left in your account after your passing will transfer to Quivira tax-free. Ask your tax advisor about this useful tax opportunity.
Give through life insurance
Make a meaningful gift to Quivira by naming us as the beneficiary of some or all of your life insurance policy benefit.
Bequeath a gift of personal property
Donate significant art, antiques, automobiles, and other personal property now or through your estate plan.
Donate or bequeath appreciated securities
Gifts of appreciated assets—such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds—support Quivira’s work, and they’re tax-savvy, too. Transferring them directly to Quivira allows you to defer or avoid capital gains taxes and may entitle you to a charitable deduction for all or a portion of the total fair market value of the securities donated.
Give through a charitable lead trust
A charitable lead trust allows you to designate Quivira as the beneficiary of securities or other assets for a period of years, and then pass your assets to your heirs or other designated beneficiaries. Your tax advisor can help you select of one of several kinds of lead trusts.
Make a gift of real estate
Subject to our gift acceptance policy, make a charitable gift of your second home, commercial property, agricultural land, or other real estate as a way to possibly reduce taxes. A property may be donated as an outright gift or designated as a future gift in your will or estate plan.
Give a retained life estate
A gift of your real estate to Quivira while you continue to live in or use the property may result in a significant income tax deduction. Proceeds of the sale of the property after your tenancy ends will make an important contribution to Quivira’s work.
Essential to the relationships among nature, the wild, and growing food, is passing to others the wisdom of understanding the connections. Over the years, Quivira Coalition has grown to fulfill this need. This is a legacy to care about.
The Quivira Coalition is a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational organization. We cannot provide legal or tax advice. When considering a legacy gift, please consult your attorney or financial advisor. All gifts to Quivira are subject to our gift acceptance policy.