Red Canyon Spring Gathering

Red Canyon Spring Gathering

Join us May 6-7 out at the beautiful Red Canyon Reserve in Magdalena, NM! This will be a casual campout event with a plant ID walk and some additional optional activities like a canyon walk and annual monitoring.

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #6. Life Hacks for the Long Haul: Emotional Wellness for Agrarians and their Communities

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #6. Life Hacks for the Long Haul: Emotional Wellness for Agrarians and their Communities

Quivira Coalition’s New Agrarian Program is delighted to invite you to The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up. Inspired by beginning agrarian input and years of conversations with folks like you, we’ve designed this webinar series for our program alumni as well as any beginning agrarians seeking community in diving deeper into these topics.

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #5. Teams that Thrive

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #5. Teams that Thrive

Quivira Coalition’s New Agrarian Program is delighted to invite you to The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up. Inspired by beginning agrarian input and years of conversations with folks like you, we’ve designed this webinar series for our program alumni as well as any beginning agrarians seeking community in diving deeper into these topics.

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #4. Launching a New Enterprise

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #4. Launching a New Enterprise

When you’re faced with an interesting opportunity to take stewardship of a land base, to expand an enterprise or to create your own operation, how do you make the decision whether or not to pursue it? Do you just follow your gut, or trust the results of late night kitchen table conversations with your partner? Do you make a pro/con list, and then perhaps lose it? As a beginning rancher, the opportunity to build your own business will likely present itself sooner or later. Maybe your boss allows you to lease a piece of land for a poultry enterprise. Perhaps your neighbor will let you run cattle on her property in exchange for some meat. Opportunities may be great, but are they great for you, now?

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #3. Putting Soil Health into Practice

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #3. Putting Soil Health into Practice

Soil health can be a really abstract topic for those of us who are out working on the ranch everyday and it is not always easy to get creative and try new practices to improve the soil. In this webinar, we will learn from other ranchers and farmers and hear what they have tried and in which ways it has succeeded or not succeeded. Joining us as speakers will be Nancy & Steve Oswald (Oswald Cattle Company, Cotopaxi, CO), Mihail Kennedy (B Bar Ranch, Big Timber, MT), and MJ Pickett (Calder Farm, Gunnison, CO). We will hear stories and takeaways from all three speakers, who have tried different approaches to improving soil health on their ranch/farm and see pictures of the setups and outcomes.

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #2. Small Ruminants & Multi-Species Grazing

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #2. Small Ruminants & Multi-Species Grazing

While cattle can be an amazing tool for managing land, beginning agrarians often struggle with accessing enough land, capital, and infrastructure to start a cattle operation. However, many folks find success in beginning with small ruminants like sheep and goats. NCAT (National Centers for Appropriate Technology) staff members Linda Poole and Tracy Mumma along with Tracy’s daughter, Lina Sturman, will cover small ruminants in the West: wool sheep, hair sheep, goats, small multi-species grazing, soil health and custom grazing weed control.

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #1. Telling Your Story with Alexis Bonogofsky

The New Agrarian Toolkit: A Webinar Series to Dig Deep and Level Up – #1. Telling Your Story with Alexis Bonogofsky

In this webinar, Alexis Bonogofsky will empower you to share your story, no matter how big, small, weird, or normal. Using social media, creative writing, podcasts, videos, etc. you can create a platform that not only builds your professional image for future career opportunities, but you will hone important life skills and maybe even help to inspire others and change narratives.