Weaver Ranch Field Day – Reversing the Dust Bowl

Weaver Ranch Field Day – Reversing the Dust Bowl

Join us at Weaver Ranch in Causey, NM and learn about efforts to bring prairie life back to abandoned fields affected by the dust bowl, through innovative organic amendment applications such as compost, biochar and bale grazing. Participate in hands-on field monitoring for rangeland soils, while we share lessons learned from projects and case studies.

Mentor Training Call Series – Call #7: Feedback to Feed Forward 4/23 & 4/25

Mentor Training Call Series – Call #6: Sustaining Apprentice Motivation 3/5 & 3/7

Apprentice motivation can falters a few months in. We’ll discuss ways to co-create apprentice goals that take advantage of the built-in learning at your operation, and ways to keep that momentum going through the season, including identifying apprentice solo study, local resource people to learn from, and visiting other operations. Skill sheets are great prompts for this so we’ll discuss ways to make them truly effective and useful to you and your apprentice.

Mentor Training Call Series – Call #7: Feedback to Feed Forward 4/23 & 4/25

Mentor Training Call Series – Call #5: Connecting Work and Education 2/6 & 2/8

How do you structure the workday, week, and month so that priorities are established, and both work and education happen? Strategies shared include weekly planning meetings, how to find those ‘teachable moments’ during a workday, and ways to do up-front training to get your apprentice going and maintain focus, communication and motivation in the busy season.

Mentor Training Call Series – Call #7: Feedback to Feed Forward 4/23 & 4/25

Mentor Training Call Series – Call #3: Interviewing for Your Best Candidate 12/5 & 12/7

How can you best Interview to reveal the skill level, motivation and aptitude of an applicant and determine if they are right for your operation? We’ll share great questions that lead to thorough responses regarding experience and motivation.  What questions can’t be asked, for legal reasons? How do you find out what you most need to know? And how do you select your finalists? We’ll discuss all this as well as conducting both phone/video and on-site interviews.