2018 Speakers
Finian Makepeace

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Telling the Story of Regenerative Agriculture
Advocating and presenting on healthy soil and regenerative agriculture
The Objective: Getting you off the sidelines and on to the court as a more confident advocate, presenter, writer, organizer for this subject.(Yes, that means YOU doing more talks, and activities around promoting this idea to your community and the world).
The Reason: Any movement goes through three stages, Awareness, Attitude changes, and Action. We are still desperately in need of spreading awareness so that this movement hits an awareness tipping point. That is why each of us must continue our work and become advocates and messengers.
What we learn:
- Public speaking tips like being comfortable with your audience, making professional slide decks, and techniques of internalizing instead of memorizing.
- Using the hands on examples like bread and flower test, Slack test, and soil infiltration tests
- Content (using the “Nuggets”):
- What is regenerative agriculture?
- Explaining why regeneration is not sustainable.
- How carbon builds soil.
- How to talk about it to different audiences
- Lastly, finding tools that are helpful for YOUR presentation.
What we do: the workshop is about 50% content (interactive lecture style) and 50% exercises and small group/partner work.
What is needed: Please bring laptops if you have them. Few printed versions are available but these workshop groups continue online so laptops are preferred.