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Regenerative Agriculture in the Face of Climate Change
LaKisha Odom – Foundation for Food and Agriculture
Bryan VanStippen – National Indian Carbon Coalition
Chris Mehus – Western Sustainability Exchange
Loren Poncia – Stemple Creek Ranch
As co-inhabitants of this earth, we face unparalleled threats to life as we know it due to human-induced changes in our climate. We are witnessing global warming, wild fluctuations in climate including more frequent and unpredictable natural disasters, rising sea levels, species die off and more.
Societal inequality causes marginalized people to experience the worst byproducts of climate change. Shifts in agriculture, forestry, and conservation practices towards soil health represent opportunities for creating climate resilience for those directly engaged in these activities. They also are an opportunity to be part of climate change mitigation.
This is a discussion of how we mitigate climate change through agriculture, adapt to changes in the climate, and address the inequities of a current and growing “climate apartheid,” specifically by following the leadership and guidance of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) leaders in the movement for regenerative climate solutions.

Climate Apartheid- a scenario where the wealthy pay for carbon credits or other ways to circumvent climate and carbon regulations and are able to escape overheating, hunger and conflict while those unable to pay are left to suffer.
Carbon Sequestration- the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide to slow or reduce atmospheric CO2 pollution to mitigate climate change.
Carbon Sink- a forest, ocean, or other natural environment viewed in terms of its ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

- What type of carbon market programs have YOU seen to work well…
-To support farmers and ranchers?
-To reduce risk/burden for low-income and communities of color? - What have you noticed about how climate change affects the land where you stand/live?
- What types of ways could your local/regional level to support/incentivize/monetize carbon removal?
- How can we disincentivize systems of “climate apartheid”?
- Legislative requirements vs. Voluntary entry, does this how affect soil carbon markets will be perceived and used? Share how.
- How have you leveraged your own resources to specifically uplift and include marginalized voices? How do you heed the call of BIPOC leaders in climate action and regenerative agriculture?

- How does my work connect with this?
- How could my work connect more deeply into this space?
- Are there concepts/ideologies from this plenary that I should shape my work going forward?
- Conversely, are there concepts/ideologies in the way that I currently work that need to let go of? What will it take to do so?

Organizations/Projects to Check Out:
Youth United for Climate Crisis Action (YUCCA) from Earth Care, Santa Fe, NM
Quivira Coalition’s Carbon Ranch Initiative, which includes links to plenty of additional resources
Additional reading:
As Long as Grass Grows – Dina Gilio-Whitaker
Emergent Possibilities for Global Sustainability: Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender – Phoebe Godfrey & Denise Torres
All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis – Essay Collection Edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katharine Keeble Wilkinson
The Carbon Farming Solution: A Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security by Eric Toensmeier
Two Percent Solutions for the Planet: 50 Low-Cost, Low-Tech, Nature-Based Practices for Combating Hunger, Drought, and Climate Change – By Courtney White
American environmentalism’s racist roots have shaped global thinking about conservation
Carbon Sequestration through Agroforestry in Indigenous Communities of Chiapas, Mexico
Requests from the People of Color Caucus at the North American Permaculture
Convergence (p. 3)
Environment and Imperialism : Why Colonialism Still Matters
Productively teach and discuss climate change
Other Media/Opportunities:
Soil Health Workbook: Fundamentals, Principles and Management for Producers and Technical Service Providers in the Dryland Intermountain West – downloadable pdf
The New Ranch Handbook: A Guide to Restoring Western Rangelands – downloadable pdf
Soil; The Dirty Climate Solution – podcast episode on How to Save a Planet Podcast
Sequestering Carbon in Soil Listserv
Anti-racism in the Environmental Movement – TedX Talk
Understanding Climate Smart Agriculture – Video
Agricultural Education: A Love Story – TedX Talk from Yolanda Owens
Agriculture & the global climate debate – podcast episode from the Food and Agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment Podcast List
Regenerative Agriculture Network Web Forum
Nori Podcasts – Carbon removal and climate change focused
Funding Sources:
Natural Resource Conservation Service grants, USDA
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grants
National Grazing Lands Coalition grants
Regenerative Agriculture Foundation
List of sustainable agriculture and food systems funders
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