Katie Forrest

Katie Forrest

Katie is the Co-Founder of EPIC, a company specializing in creating nutrient dense meat based superfoods. EPIC is the first consumer packaged goods company to successfully scale a “nose to tail” approach…

Don Davis

Don Davis

2018 Speakers Don Davis Find this speaker online FollowFollowFollow Don ranches in the Texas Hill Country with his wife and owns and operates Grassfed Livestock Alliance, LLC (GLA), an alliance of Grassfed producers. GLA currently supplies local Grassfed beef to Whole...
Don Hijar

Don Hijar

2018 Speakers Don Hijar Find this speaker online FollowFollow Don grew up on an irrigated farm in the Arkansas Valley of Southeastern Colorado. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science from CSU Fort Collins, but started his career in the Soil Conservation...