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Activating Where You Are: Community Engagement in Rural Spaces
Marianna Zavala – TomKat Ranch
Shalini Karra – Brown’s Ranch
Ben Gotschall – Holt Creek Jerseys, Wolfe’s Neck Center for Agriculture and the Environment
Kate Clyatt – Mannix Brothers Ranch, Blackfoot Challenge
Alex Michel – TomKat Ranch
Distance may make the heart grow fonder, but it makes community engagement rather difficult. With us all in a world where being socially distanced is now the norm, how can we create the world that we wish to see and live in, while also acknowledging areas for growth and clarity?
This session will explore different ways to be an engaged citizen in a rural community. Panelists will present and discuss their own methods for building community and addressing pressing local and national issues in order to produce positive social-environmental change while living in rural places. This is an exploration of ways to build the future you want to see from the place you choose to live and work.

BIPOC- Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
Decolonization- The undoing of colonialism by challenging how systems are, knowingly and/or unknowingly, complicit in the oppression of indigenous people.
Indigenization- The action of bringing something, in this case, agriculture, under the control, dominance, or influence of the people native to an area.
Saviorism- the worldview in which a person, usually white, provides help to non-white people in a self-serving manner. (Also, defined as a perpetuated world view that non-white people need saving by “more civilized” white people.)

- How are we creating welcoming and inclusive spaces for marginalized communities?
- What are measures of success?
- Is my/our approach to community engagement complex or complicated?
- What is the difference?
- In what ways are we honoring stewardship vs ownership of the land?
- What does this mean for how we engage with others in our community?
- What supports are needed to grow current community engagement efforts?

- How does my work connect with this?
- How could my work connect more deeply into this space?
- Are there concepts/ideologies from this plenary that I should shape my work going forward?
- Conversely, are there concepts/ideologies in the way that I currently work that need to let go of? What will it take to do so?

Organizations/Projects to Check Out:
Youth United for Climate Crisis Action (YUCCA) from Earth Care, Santa Fe, NM
New Mexico Acequia Association
Find a Mutual Aid Network near you
Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition
Additional reading:
Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Maree Brown
Freedom Farmers: Agricultural Resistance and the Black Freedom Movement – Monica M. White
The New Food Activism: Opposition, Cooperation, and Collective Action – Alison Hope Alkon & Julie Guthman:
Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice by Jessica Gordon Nembhard
The Color of Food: Stories of Race, Resilience, and Farming by Natasha Bowens
Farming While Black – Leah Penniman
Want to be part of the next wave of activism? Move to rural America
George Floyd’s death awakens activism in rural, white America
“A pig and a garden”: Fannie Lou Hamer and the Freedom Farms Cooperative
Womanism and Agroecology: An Intersectional Praxis Seed Keeping as Acts of Political Warfare
What Does Activism Look Like in Rural America?
10 Native Activism Organizations to Show Your Support This Thanksgiving
Other Media:
To See Eachother – A People’s Action Podcast
Rural Roots Rising – Oregon based podcast
Activism Beyond the City: Women, Rural Communities, and the Struggle for Black Freedom – podcast episode with Katherine Mellen Charron on Discovery and Inspiration podcast
Land politics, agrarian movements and scholar-activism – Video
Training the Next Generation of New Agrarians – Regenerate 2018
Funding Sources:
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