CRI Outreach
We are actively working to build curricula and provide workshops around the state and online material aligned with the New Mexico Healthy Soils Act. We will post dates of workshops on our events page.

Soil Health Network
We are working to monitor existing innovative land management practices to build a network and database of practices and practitioners. We have wonderful partners: NMACD, Healthy Soil Working Group, NMDA + Extension, HMI and some dedicated producers.
Soil Health Champions – Through the Healthy Soil Working Group (HSWG)
“Champion” can be a noun or a verb. We want to highlight and support the people who are championing soil health. Would you like to share your experiences with others? Contact HSWG and they can help you to support your friends and neighbors in the efforts to improve soil health.
NM Coalition to Enhance Working Lands
We work to connect with organizations and entities within the state to support efforts to find funding and other support for producers working to improve resilience and increase whole-farm or whole-ranch outcomes.
Connectivity in the Intermountain West
We work closely with organizations such as Mad Ag, Carbon 180, and Northern Plains Resource Council to build consistent language around soil health training and share best practices for farm planning. With regional connections we aim to reduce duplication of effort and strengthen regional and national efforts to reduce barriers to practicing regenerative agriculture that builds soil carbon and healthy rural communities.
Transparent soil monitoring and management tracking
We are excited to support efforts as an OpenTEAM (Open Technology Ecosystem for Agricultural Management) “Hub” to build monitoring and evaluation protocols and technology for agriculture that can lead to data-driven management.