by Lynne Whitbeck | Dec 11, 2019 | Keyline, Reading the Landscape, Riparian, Slope Wetlands, Technical Guides
Applying Keyline Design Principles to Slope Wetland Restoration in a Headwater Ecosystem NMED-SWQB By Walton, M., J. W. Jansens, J. Adams, M. Tatro, and T. E. Gadzia. An interest in developing, testing, and documenting innovative approaches to slope wetland...
by Lynne Whitbeck | Mar 20, 2018 | Erosion Control, Reading the Landscape, Riparian, Slope Wetlands, Technical Guides
Read me The Plug and Pond Treatment: Restoring Sheetflow to High Elevation Slope Wetlands in New Mexico By Bill Zeedyk, Steve Vrooman, New Mexico Environment Department, and Surface Water Quality Bureau Wetlands Program This field guide is intended to inform those who...
by Lynne Whitbeck | Mar 6, 2018 | Channel Incision, Erosion Control, Fen Remediation, Headcut Treatments, Log Mat, Media Luna, Monitoring, One Rock Dam, Riparian, Roads, Rock Mulch Rundown, Slope Wetlands, Technical Guides, Zuni Bowl
Read me... Characterization and Restoration of Slope Wetlands in New Mexico by Bill Zeedyk and the Quivira Coalition A technical bulletin written with funds from NMED SWQB WP, describes the conditions in the watershed and the techniques used to stabilize and restore...