Sergio Schwartz

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I am the third son of my Guatemalan immigrant father and my American mother. I was born, raised and have spent all but a few years of my life in the suburbs of Albuquerque. I am beginning to actively pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a farmer and active advocate for food justice in NM after working for 10 years as a stay-at-home parent. In fall of 2020 I completed a season-long internship with the Grow the Growers Program and more recently completed a service term with Americorps Seedcorps at Road Runner Food Bank. I am ending my first season of co-farming Del Cielo farm in the South Valley. I hope to use what I have learned about my community and its food systems to further my learning, serve and give impetus to food justice advocacy and education in my community.
Plenary Panel
You’re Gonna Have to Get Creative: Stories and Strategies for the Next Generation of Land Stewards