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Think like a chicken: transforming the poultry industry

Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquín of the Main Street Project in Northfield, Minnesota, talks about a new model for  a healthy and regenerative poultry industry — and how it can be accomplished with modest investments of land and capital. One of the main challenges of envisioning a healthy food system is how it can work at a large scale, and not just for niche markets. Here you’ll hear how it can be done — and how this model can also provide a model for other types of meat production that’s healthy for land, workers, and consumers.

Episode Notes:

0:09 Engaging food issues and low wage workers

1:46 Designing for low wage workers means non-discrimination for all

4:37 Livestock is central to regenerating land

5:33 Guatemala and indigenous practices

6:25 Managing energy is the basis of food production

7:09 Regenerative poultry means thinking like a chicken

10:17 Extra meat on industrial broilers costs society

12:22 Day in the life of a chicken

14:51 Down to the the dirt — the chicken ecosystem

20:31 Poultry-Centered Regenerative Agriculture

20:40 Eliminating unnecessary work

24:58 Returning energy to the system and the ecosystem

26:35 Regenerative agriculture at scale

28:59 Replicating and perpetuating the work around the world

32:34 Regenerative agricultural alliance

34:41 Practicalities of regenerative poultry systems

45:14 Transform the poultry industry, transform other food industries

48:53 The Mainstreet Project


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