Lucille Contreras

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Lucille is the CEO and Founder of Texas Tribal Buffalo Project. This project is created to restore the traditional relationship between the Lipan Apache and our relatives the Bison. We would like to provide the indigenous communities of Texas a pathway to tribal and food sovereignty.
I am 54 years old and originally from San Antonio, Texas. My father was Joe R Contreras, Lipan Apache, my mother was Alice R Contreras, Mexica.
I currently work for the legendary Matriarch of the New Green Economy, Winona La Duke and all of her organizational as Information Technology Systems Analyst. I also work full time on our family ranch obtained by the USDA Farm Service Agency, Beginning Farmer, and Rancher loan program. We currently caretake for a small but growing herd of bison on 77 aces.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from University of Colorado, Boulder. I’m a member of Grupo Tlaloc Aztec Dancers, and a member of the Texas Bison Association.
I am currently on the board of directors for the Lipan Apache Women Defense organization, Directed by Margo Tamez.
I am excited to now live once again in the Traditional homeland of the Lipan Apache. Also, the traditional and home range of the Southern Plains Bison.
Plenary Panel
Indigenous Agriculture & Stewardship