Kara Kroeger

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Kara Kroeger is a Sustainable Agriculture Specialist with the National Center for Appropriate Technology in San Antonio, Texas. Kara earned a bachelor’s in general agriculture at Texas State University in 2018. With a background in in grass-fed beef production, she is knowledgeable in the use of regenerative management tools to improve pasture health and productivity. Her work includes developing and managing the NCAT Soil for Water initiative, which aims to create a critical mass of landowners who are applying regenerative agricultural practices. Additionally, Kara became a Certified Herbalist at the Rocky Mountain Center of Botanical Studies in 1999, a Certified Nutritionist at the American Health Science University in 2003, and started training as a chef in 2009 with renowned chef Jesse Griffiths of Dai Due. She has owned Foundation Culinary, a nutritional consulting/private chef business since 2009.
Virtual Workshop
Regenerating Your Soil Sponge