CRI Projects

Organic Amendment trials
Compost applications have been shown to have positive impacts on nutrient and water retention by increasing organic material in the soil. We are working with local producers to both support on-site and regional composting facilities and to trial outcomes for compost additions to active rangelands.
We are also researching biochar as a way of coupling woody waste material with on-site soil benefits. Check our events calendar for upcoming workshops on biochar.
Soil to Supper
Soil to Supper is our newest and largest project. It will support producers to get more meat, hides, fiber, and other livestock products into regional supply chains while reducing waste, increasing soil health, and building climate resilience.
This project is funded through the USDA’s Partnership for Climate Smart Commodities program and has partnered with Southwest Grassfed Livestock Alliance (SWGLA), Good Meat Project, and Reunity Resources.
Find out more here.
Please contact us if you are interested in participating in research or demonstrations on your land!