2021 Regenerate Speakers
Weaving Water, Land, and PeopleCorine Pearce

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Corine Pearce is a basket weaver, herbalist, dancer, storyteller and cultural educator with ancestry from Lake and Mendocino counties in California. Corine has taught classes on basket weaving, traditional uses of native plants, land stewardship, fire ecology, and traditional ecological knowledge for over 25 years.
Corine is the author of Pomo Cradle Baskets: An Introduction, a 2020 inaugural Luce Indigenous Knowledge Fellow, is a 2020 Jennifer Easton Community Spirit Award recipient, and is currently featured in the PBS program Craft in America’s “California” episode and the California Indian Conference Teaching and Learning Exhibit “California American Indian Culture and Arts Pedagogy.” Her basketry has been featured in numerous media articles, art galleries and museum exhibits, including an upcoming collaborative show at the San Francisco de Young Museum (see www.corinepearce.com). In the words of her editor, “Corine works tirelessly to revitalize local tribal arts and traditions; … her weaving heals and restores both the land and the people, connecting future generations to a living cultural identity.”