Callene Rapp

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Callene and Eric Rapp have owned and operated the award-winning Rare Hare Barn since 2005, the largest heritage-breed meat-rabbit enterprise in the United States. In addition to their conservation work with rabbits, they have a large herd of heritage-breed Pineywoods cattle, and work with the critically endangered Palmer-Dunn strain. Callene has also worked with a variety of cattle breeds at the Sedgwick County Zoo, and Eric has had experience with his family’s own cow-calf operation.
They have over 50 years of combined experience handling nearly every species of domestic livestock and are active members of The Livestock Conservancy. Callene is also a regular contributor to Grit Magazine. Authors of Homestead Cows: The Complete Guide to Raising Happy, Healthy Cattle and Raising Rabbits for Meat, they live and farm in Leon, Kansas.
Virtual Workshops
Heritage Cattle: History, Husbandry and Helpfulness