Amber Smith

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Amber Smith has been living and working in rural America her entire adult life, beginning at The Home Ranch in Colorado, where she worked as a wrangler. She was Director of Activities for a rural nursing home in Nebraska, and developed riding programs for 4-H youth. Over the past eight years in Eastern Montana, she has been writing and editing works regarding Holistic Management. She currently serves on her local school board, the Council on Aging and Big Dry Transit boards of Garfield County and is a board member of the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance. She and her husband are raising their two children and working to steward a 53,000-acre ranch, Antelope Springs, near Cohagen, Montana. Her passion revolves around working with others to build a future in which rural families thrive. The Western Landowners Alliance Women in Ranching program has most recently provided her a platform on which to continue rural community building through supporting feminine leadership on the large working landscapes of the American West.
Plenary Panel
New Agrarian Panel