Nina Katz

Education and Outreach Project Manager


nina.katz at quiviracoalition dot org
Ph. 240.676.8955

Nina joins Quivira with an excitement for sustainable and equitable food system management. Before recently graduating with an MA in Food Studies from Chatham University in Pittsburgh, PA, where they focused on US agricultural policy, agroecology, regional value chains, and justice oriented food practices, Nina spent a decade working on diversified vegetable and livestock farms across the US, and growing as a facilitator, advocate, and educator at organizations such as Cottonwood Gulch Expeditions, The Santa Fe Botanical Garden, and Girls Inc. of Santa Fe. As part of Quivira’s Education and Outreach program, Nina merges their passions for human systems and food systems while facilitating conversations and programming around regenerative agriculture, as well as kindling connections throughout the Mountain West. Outside of Quivira, Nina can be found working at their other career as a food writer and recipe developer for various regional and national publications, as well as tending to their hobbies of needle felting, cooking the perfect pot of beans, and taking long walks.