Rebecca Baldwin-Kordick
Carbon Ranch Initiative Project Manager
rebecca at quiviracoalition dot org
Ph. (505) 393-1182
Rebecca is an educator, soil-nerd, gardening enthusiast, fly fisher, and hiker from Colorado Springs. She received her Environmental Engineering B.S. from the University of Colorado Boulder, and researched soil health in alternative cropping systems while studying for her M.S. in Soil Science at Iowa State University. After graduate school, she moved to a ranch in the flowering, sage-dotted slopes of Idaho to herd cattle on horseback and perform ecological monitoring. Since then, she moved back to Colorado and has loved helping passionate producers improve their soil health and crop/pasture quality both in the non-profit world and through her own consulting business. She is currently based in Denver, CO and has completed rigorous agro-ecology training through the Integrity Soils CREATE Program to improve her capacity to guide producers in addressing production issues.