New Agrarian Voices

Learn about the impressions and experiences of each year's cohort of apprentices in their own words.





Jim Dalpiaz​, APPRENTICE, Sather Farm & Ranch

What contributes to a meaningful life and how do you hope this apprenticeship will help you explore that?
May 2024

For me a meaningful life means I used my time on this planet to leave it better than I found it. It means I used my talents and passions to not only fulfill my needs and desires but be of service to others as well. Agriculture does this on a very basic level by providing food for not only myself but others as well.  Agriculture done well means I can be a part of feeding a community while improving a small piece of the planet. Through this apprenticeship I hope to gain knowledge and experience in practices that will help me make these contributions to society and the planet. By working alongside a mentor that puts regenerative practices to use everyday with livestock as well as crops I have the opportunity to experience both to decide where my passion lies. I hope to experience not only my mentor site but a few other sites through the apprenticeship, as well as the clinics and educational calls, to broaden my perspective on regenerative agriculture. During the apprenticeship is the time to be out of my comfort zone and saying yes to trying new things. It’s all valuable information and experience in the end. 

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