New Agrarian Voices

Learn about the impressions and experiences of each year's cohort of apprentices in their own words.





Isayara Valverde-Vindas, APPRENTICE, Sather Farm & Ranch

What contributes to a meaningful life and how do you hope this apprenticeship will help you explore that?
May 2024

Factors contributing to a meaningful life can vary widely from person to person, shaped by individual experiences, beliefs, and values. Personally, I find purpose, passion, connection, personal growth, and making a difference to be essential components in fostering fulfillment and meaning.

Growing up, I often pondered what “my thing” would be—a passion or innate talent that would resonate with me. While I explored various interests, nothing quite captured my sustained enthusiasm. I fretted over the prospect of never finding true satisfaction. Fortunately, my journey led me to agriculture and its diverse realms. The boundless opportunities for learning and career development within this field offered me the chance to explore myriad paths. With each experience and lesson, my affection for agriculture deepened, affirming that this was indeed “my thing”—my calling.

The opportunities afforded by the New Agrarian Program filled me with excitement. This immersive opportunity came at a crucial juncture post-graduation, providing clarity on my next steps. Working alongside knowledgeable mentors instilled a sense of reassurance amidst the uncertainties. Witnessing their passion and dedication to this way of life fueled my own determination to follow suit.

Over the past two months, this program has afforded me invaluable insights into my life’s direction. It has instilled in me a profound sense of purpose. While the apprenticeship may span only eight months, I am confident that the lessons gleaned will endure. Beyond the immediate career prospects, I anticipate lifelong learning, meaningful connections, and opportunities to effect positive change within the agricultural sector.

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